A bright blue suede leather Humpback Whale
She’s around 80cm in length and weighs in at just under a kilo and a half.
Made of a beautifully soft blue suede with a pristine white tummy, she’ll grace any room – whether it’s hanging from a beam or resting on a shelf.
The Humpback Whale is a Baleen Whale; a filter-feeder, and has ventral pleats—creases that run vertically down the underside of a whale’s jaw all the way to its stomach. When feeding, the ventral pleats expand like an accordion to accommodate ahuge amount of food-rich water. Our leather whale has those, too.
As with all the leather whales made in the Whale Whorkshop, at the Greenland Fishery, we don’t hide any imperfections – marks, scars or tears – in the leather used to make the whales. In fact we highlight it, to make a point about damage and the vulnerability of cetaceans.
A Extra Large bright blue suede leather Humpback Whale: